
Gemini News Archive

Twin Galaxies in a Gravitational Embrace

Astronomers at Gemini Observatory have imaged two nearly identical spiral galaxies in Virgo, 90 million light years distant, in the early stages of a gentle gravitational embrace.

Catching the Light of a Baby Supernova

In a rapid follow-up observations of a mysterious X-ray flash in the galaxy NGC 2770 the Gemini North telescope was able to obtain a set of optical spectra that contains the earliest spectrum of a massive star ending its life in a supernova explosion outside of our galaxy's neighborhood

Gemini Observatory Captures Image of Galaxy With "Baby Supernova" SN 2008D

NGC 2770 has been captured by the Gemini Observatory in a spectacular new image that shows at least three recent supernovae locations including SN 2008D.

Does Methane Rain Down on Titan?

A team of astronomers has used infrared spectral images of Saturn's moon, Titan, acquired with the Gemini North Telescope, to dispute an earlier claimed detection of widespread morning methane drizzle.

Sampling Star-formation in Local LIRGs

Using T-ReCS on Gemini South, an international team led by Tanio Diaz-Santos (CSIC, Spain) has completed a survey of nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) at 8-microns.

Two Very Young Massive Stars Unshrouded with LGS AO

An international team employed the Gemini North Laser Guide Star (LGS) adaptive optics system Altair to probe deep into the core of star forming region W51

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Ammonia Found in Atmosphere of Coolest Brown Dwarf

Observations taken at Gemini North have detected ammonia in the spectra of the coolest brown dwarf. This is the first time such a finding has been made in near-infrared spectra of a sub-stellar object other than a planet

Spectacular Star Cluster May Host Black Hole Missing Link

The well-known naked-eye star cluster Omega Centauri may be home to an elusive intermediate-mass black hole. Observations made using Gemini Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope provide convincing evidence that such black holes do exist and could even lead to an understanding of how they might evolve into larger supermassive black holes.

Light Echoes Bring 400-year-old Supernova Into Focus

Using the powerful nod-and-shuffle technique from the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph at Gemini South, a research team led by Armin Rest (CTIO) have successfully obtained spectra from supernova light bouncing off interstellar dust.

Gemini Kicks off Local Outreach in 2008

Now in its second year, AstroDay Chile attracted an estimated 7,000 visitors to the local Mall Plaza La Serena and Gemini was joined by essentially all of the local astronomical institutions in central and northern Chile.

The United Kingdom a Full Partner in Gemini

More Evidence of Gas Inflows Into an Active Galaxy’s Nucleus

A team of astronomers have detected streaming gas flows toward the Seyfert nucleus of NGC 4051 located at an estimated distance of about 9.3 Megaparsecs.

Detection of Substellar Companion in Interacting Binary

The binary star SDSS J121209.31+013627.7, commonly known as SDSS 1212, is possibly the first interacting binary where a substellar companion has been directly detected -- with GNIRS on Gemini South.

Mauna Kea Experiences Extended Severe Weather "Event"

From the last week of January, the weather atop Mauna Kea has been mostly snow and ice that we have been on the sky only once for a total of 2.3 hours since Jan. 28.

A Young Erupting Pre-main Sequence Star Takes a (Long) Nap

The eruption of V1647 Orionis resulted in the appearance of a reflection nebula called “McNeil’s Nebula,” named after the amateur astronomer, Jay McNeil, who discovered the object. By early 2006 the star and its environment were very similar to their pre-burst stage.

Supernova Remnants Dance in the LMC

The Gemini South Multi-Object Spectograph (GMOS) recently captured a dramatic image of a vast cloud complex named DEM L316 located in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Gemini Science at the 211th AAS Meeting

This page highlights a sample of Gemini related science results presented at the 211th meeting of the American Astronomical Society meeting in Austin Texas from January 7-11, 2008.

Gemini Staff Family Summit Tours

Over 75 staff and family participated (or led) the family summit tours to see the Gemini North and South telescope facilities first-hand and see where family members work


Gemini News Archive | Page 18 | Gemini Observatory


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